August 19, 2005

Food Pyramid of Ireland

Any Weight Loss Requires Healthy Eating

Part of my journey to a new self will have to be a change in my lifestyle. Below are guidelines that I have always been aware of but never really attempted to follow.

I don't anticipate following these guidelines to the letter any time soon, but I need to be more aware of what constitutes a good diet.

Since I feel that I have to be more aware of the building blocks for a good diet I figure that many of you reading this might also benefit from this reminder.

Food Pyramid Image

Credit: Southern Health Board, Ireland

That said here is the food pyramid of Ireland. I must say this is one of the prettiest pyramids I've seen.

There are many food pyramids out there and I will discuss some of the others in the future. This pyramid is fine example of the many pyramids used around the world.

Here are their guidelines to utilize this pyramid.
How to use the Food Pyramid

Each plate is one serving. The number of servings you need each day (for adults and children) is given for each shelf of the Food Pyramid. Choose whatever combination of plates you like to make up your total number.

Drink water regularly - At least 8 cups of fluid per day!

Top Shelf:

Very small amounts
Choose oils, margarine or low fat spreads labelled “high in polyunsaturates” or "“high in monounsaturates"” which are healthier for your heart. Use sparingly.

Second Shelf

Choose Any 2: Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans & Peas
Choose 3 servings during pregnancy

Third Shelf

Choose Any 3: Milk, Cheese & Yoghurt
Choose at least 4 for teenagers and 5 servings if pregnant or breast-feeding. Choose low fat choices frequently, except for young children

Fourth Shelf

Choose any 4+: Fruit & Vegetables
Choose green leafy vegetables regularly for essential folic acid.
Choose citrus fruits and fruit juices frequently

Bottom Shelf

Choose Any 6+: Choose high fibre cereals and breads frequently. If physical activity is high, up to 12 servings may be necessary

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