January 25, 2014

Week 1: Choices

Week One's weigh-in is upon us and last week I said that proper planning was going to be critical to success. Well I took my own advice and stocked up at work with choices so I would not fall prey to the temptation of the honor bar full of snacks.

I picked up a bunch of the Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers and Lean Pockets and put them in the freezer at work.  I also picked up some pretzel rods, sourdough pretzel nuggets, apples and pears.  My first week wasn't a picture of healthy eating but I did manage to stay away from the snacks at work and it was my first week without eating at a fast food joint in a long time.

So how did I do? I lost 3.2 lbs.

Next week I'll talk in a little more detail about my plan and how I track what I eat.

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