September 7, 2005

Calories Needed to Lose Weight

How do I figure out how many calories I need to maintain my current weight?

I wrote earlier in Journaling To Success that you had to track everything you ate or you wouldn't know where you stood and would have no chance of reaching your goal.

The post featured an article by Marc David. I noticed that an assumption was made in that article that many of you may not know how to figure out. The article assumed you could figure out how many calories you required to maintain your weight and what you would have to decrease that amount by to lose the weight successfully.

Nutrition Calculator imageThere are many places where they spell out the formulas to figure out what you need to maintain your current weight. But most of them are too wordy or complex and I know I want things simple. With keeping it simple in mind I found this link - Healthy Body Calculator - via FNIC's Interactive Toolbox.

This calculator let's you input some minor information and how much you want to lose a week and it spits out a complete worksheet outlining nutrition facts to lose weight, including your healthy weight range. For me it said my healthy range is from 166lbs to 202lbs. This range bodes well since my goal is 199lbs.

I hope this takes some mystery out of how many calories do I need to lose or maintain my weight.

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